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Results 1-20 of 39 for David Smith

Moving to the Cloud? Avoid These Strategic Errors

"Technology for technology's sake is generally not a good idea," added Gartner Vice President Analyst David Smith "Whenever you do something, you want a clear line of sight back to why you're doing it, what's the business reason," Smith told TechNewsWorld....

The Blockchain Solution for Secure Contactless Payments

The year 2020 forever changed the way we work and perform routine tasks. With the emergence of the deadly coronavirus and the resultant adoption of social distancing, even as the virus approaches its second anniversary, the concept of digital, contactless payments remains prevalent ...


What IT Leaders Would Do Differently if Faced With Another Crisis

As we launch into a new year, the COVID-19 pandemic has made many business leaders, me included, reflect on what we'd do next time if we were faced with another unthinkable global crisis. ...

Chrome Wins Silver in Worldwide Browser Share

Google's gains come at the expense of Firefox rather than Internet Explorer (IE), which "is trying to head off a long, slow decline," David Smith, an analyst at Gartner, told the E-Commerce Times Google Chrome is a newer browser, which attracts users, said Mike Kaply, the foun...

PlayBook Update Drags Into Overtime

RIM has decided to delay the launch of BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, expected this month, until it's confident that it has fully met the expectations of its developers, enterprise customers and end users, according to company senior vice president David Smith The mobile device v...

Browser War: What Is It Good For?

"You get more capabilities, more performance and more innovation," Gartner analyst David Smith told TechNewsWorld. "Overall, it's a good thing, though it's not without its problems." Those problems include the appearance of new vulnerabilities....

Google Chrome Sprouts Linux, Mac Versions

"There are certain versions of Linux that are more strategic to Google -- like the Android version, which they're involved with," Gartner analyst David Smith told TechNewsWorld. "Android netbooks will be a big driver to whatever success they have in the netbook space." No ARM ...

Ballmer MIXes Serious Talk With Silly Dance

Microsoft's succession plan -- which has Ray Ozzie taking over as chief software architect -- seems to have been well thought out and built to address the emerging Internet opportunities, not only for consumer services but also for Web-based applications, Gartner analyst David Smith told the E-Commerce Times...

Google Dazzles Street With 46 Percent Profit Jump

Google executives highlighted numerous new initatives -- from running video ads on YouTube to becoming a key part of the mobile movement -- and those efforts will be key to sustaining its early growth over the long term, said Gartner analyst David Smith "Yahoo has stabilized, ...

Microsoft’s Zune Leader Stepping Down

"Zune didn't get as much traction as some might have expected," agreed Gartner analyst David Smith. "It was launched right before holiday season without many aspects done yet -- it felt rushed. It made you scratch your head, wondering what they were trying to do." Bullish on A...

Microsoft Launches Cross-Platform Advertising Option

Microsoft wants to lay the foundation of a future in which advertising revenues are significant enough to help replace revenue lost from moving software onto the Web, Gartner analyst David Smith said "Microsoft has preached the long view, talking about a five-year period over ...

Ballmer: Microsoft Will Meet Threats of Google, Linux – Over Time

Microsoft may be trying to downplay expectations, given that Google has such a significant lead and because any innovations Microsoft is able to make in search will likely be met by its rivals, making it more difficult to make up ground quickly, said Gartner analyst David Smith...

Microsoft-Google Clash Looms as adCenter Moves to Launch Pad

Microsoft recognizes that long-term, advertising could become a major source of revenue growth, one that could help the software giant sustain growth and profits between major software releases, Gartner analyst David Smith told the E-Commerce Times ...

IBM, NFL Team on Digital Media Deal

Gartner analyst David Smith said attacking verticals is one way that IBM can better communicate the benefits of its long-standing On Demand Business push, which focuses on flexible IT solutions. "On Demand is important, but it's difficult to sell as a big concept," Smith said. "IBM needs to help potential customers understand how it can solve specific business challenges."

Google Makes Ad Management Easier

"We can get much more data from Overture than Google," David Smith, CEO ofadvertising strategy firm Mediasmith, told TechNewsWorld. He added that thenew API will help even the playing field "It will help us better manage Google campaigns," Smith said....

Microsoft CFO Connors Leaving for Venture Capital Firm

"Microsoft changed its approach to reflect the new reality that giant jumps in growth aren't going to be what defines it from now on," Gartner analyst David Smith said Venturing Ahead...

Controversial Internet Game Recreates JFK Assassination

The Kennedy family has denounced the game. "It is despicable," said David Smith, a spokesperson for Sen. Edward Kennedy "In general, I find it distasteful for anyone to make any sort of profit off of the assassination in this manner," Michael Russ, a researcher who runs the Jo...

Microsoft Previews Vision of ‘Software Factories’

Gartner analyst David Smith said Microsoft early on did not do enough to explain the benefits, both current and future, of .NET, and may have lost some early opportunities to lock in enterprises that need custom applications that will work in a Web services world Now, he said,...

Tech Giants Back Specification for Web Services

Gartner analyst David Smith said the emerging Web services revolution has already been "a catalyst for software innovation," a trend that will continue to pick up steam as more standards emerge Smith said IBM's absence from the standards is significant because the company has ...

Microsoft Asks EU Court To Keep Source Code Secret

However, Microsoft wants to make those decisions on its own terms, Gartner analyst David Smith said "If all the penalties went into effect today, Microsoft's market position and its competitive position wouldn't change all that much," Smith said....

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